Well, Lee and I actually slept in. That never happens!! Lee and Will went to my in-laws and borrowed the riding mower. It took them all of 10 minutes to mow. We need a push mower, we do not have much grass at all. Our yard looks very nice though.
I went to Food Lion and bought groceries. It's spring break so I had to have breakfast and lunch stuff for the boys. No, I am not a bad parent, I do feed them. It's just during the week they usually eat those two meals at school.
Lee's traveling team had baseball practice. They are looking like a team now. They really look pretty good. Lee and I gave the uniforms out. The boys loved them. They are gonna be super sharp looking if nothing else. I expect them to win their fair share too.Will is the first base coach for the bulldogs. I am glad since he is not allowed to play first base for a team. He will be fully recovered by spring practice for football and he is very glad of that.
This afternoon it started cooling off and now I heard the weatherman is predicting snow for Tuesday. Give me a break it is Spring break!! I wanted snow in Jan. and Feb.not now!!!
I will get to spend part of the day with the boys since I work the split shift tomorrow. I am glad Will is of an age that they can stay by theirself so I do not have to worry about a sitter.
I baked some cupcakes so I am gonna go so I can ice them. I hope everyone had a great Sunday!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
mmmmmmmm cupcakes sound great! SNOW? really?! Agh!